Miles Safety Consultants
Request for Upgrade
What is a Safety Upgrade Request?
A Conditional or Unsatisfactorily safety rating can be very damaging to a trucking company. In order to get your safety rating increased to Satisfactory, you must make a formal request to the F.M.C.S.A. This process can take some time and is complicated. We can shorten the process and make it simple for you and your company. Do not try to answer Safety Upgrade without knowing the proper format, if your request is denied it could take another two to three months to get another response. You will be required to submit a revised Safety Management Plan with format being key to answering the Feds in the way they require.
How is a Conditional Safety Rating Hurting You?
It is costing you money in two big ways. First you will have trouble getting loads, especially if you are getting loads from brokers. Your customers will receive warnings of your downgrade within days through Carrier411 and other online alerts sites. Many of your best customers will not be permitted to book any loads with your company if you have a conditional rating. Other Brokers will take advantage of your situation and lower rates because they know you are struggling to get loads. Second, you are paying more for your insurance. Insurance premiums are at least 25% higher for carriers with conditional ratings. Getting your insurance premiums back in line will more than pay for our service.
What does DOT require?
The DOT requires a very specific format for a safety rating upgrade request. You must show evidence that you have corrected your deficiencies and all the supporting documentation must be presented in accordance with F.M.C.S.A. guidelines. We will not only help you develop the plan, but will also help you implement it so you don't continue to have problems. M.S.C works directly with State and Federal Investigators to move your Safety Upgrade along as soon as possible.